
Explain The Stages Of Personal And Professional Development

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In the planning stage it highlights future performance needs in terms of goals, actions and behaviours. The plan should challenge the person but must also be acheivable. It should enable the person to combine their existing expertise or knowledge with their potential for development. It must also address the configuration of priorities. Which include those of the person, the team and the company. For this to be acheivable it requires focus on what is to be achieved and how it is to be carried out or completed. The plan also requires commitment from each indivual who is involved.
The development stage relates to the the development of the individuals expertise and potential. This stage should focus on improving the knowledge of the person and allowing new skills to be obtained. This is imperative when there is evidence of potential from a specific individual. When at this stage it is of most importance for the manager to identify opportunities and provide support as required. …show more content…

Plans made can sometimes count for very little unles they are used to ddeliver something meaningful or of benefit to others. In a cycle such as this it must relate to the needs or requirements of each specific individual, the team and the company. There is then a satisfaction to be found in doing something well, and it is easier to excel and be productive when using your strengths. A good manager will ensure they support their staff members to excel. Managers must ensure there are resources available for individuals to perform to an expected level, as if the resources are not available a manager can not expect staff members to perform to levels beyond their control. Performance can not be improved without the equipment to support

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