
Explain Who Is To Blame For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Essay In the book Romeo and Juliet, where a girl and boy fall in love and get married behind their parents back and both end up ending their lives. People ask who is responsible for Juliet's death? Although some may say that it was her own fault because she chose to marry someone else, others may say it was the nurses fault. I say that it is the parents fault because of the way that they handled the situation of her getting married and to whom she married. The first reason that her parents are to blame for her death is because in one of the third scenes in act 1 of the book (p35-p40) her nurse talks of her age, then lady capsule making it seem like her daughter being 14 is a good age to marry at and was basically making excuses rather than acknowledging her …show more content…

Speak not, reply not, do not answer me!” Even after all the yelling and no consideration for Juliet, her mother never stood up for her about maybe him being a bit extreme about the situation telling her that she will be kicked out and never spoken to again by her own family, This goes to show that Juliet didn’t have the freedom to live her future out how she would like and her parents dictated everything without the okay from both parents if it is extreme. A lot of people say that juliet is to blame for her own death because of the fact that she could have just told her parents and faced consequences till they come to their senses that her marrying someone else is not that bad but who’s to say that would ever happen, her dad did make it pretty clear of how things would be if she didn’t marry paris but a reason that wouldn’t work well is because her parents haven’t exactly given her the best environment to tell them those

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