
Explain Why High School Dropout Age Should Not Be Raised To 18

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Even though every year over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone, I still think that the dropout age in all states should not be raised to 18 in all states. I believe that the age shouldn’t be raised because some people can’t always stay in school. I don’t think that the age should be raised because some students might have things at home that need to be taken care of. If you force students to stay in school when they don’t want do might be an atrocious idea because they can cause complication for the other students and faculty at the school. My last reason is that parents and faculty need to let students make their own decisions.
To begin with, particular students have important matters at home that probably need to be taken care of. Whether it is a financial problem, personal problem or family problem, etc. Some students need to take time off from school either temporary or permanently to deal with the issue. When Marissa writes the letter to her grandma she says, “Rather than spending the day getting to school and back and feeling helpless, I decided to step up and look for a job to really help out at …show more content…

Students should not be forced to be required to stay in school if they don’t want to. For starters this can cause many problems in school that are definitely unnecessary and could all be prevented if whoever is in charge allowed students to leave the establishment if they want to once they reached the mandatory age. In the Radio Interview Missy Remiss said, ‘And you know, forcing students to stay in school when they don’t want to be there can cause problems for teachers and other students as well.” Also, if a student is obligated to stay in school even if they don’t have to that might be a waste of space in the classroom if they’re not trying hard or putting forth any

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