
Explain Why The Three Witches May Not Be Held Responsible For The Destruction Of Macbeth

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The three witches can not be held responsible for Macebeth’s destruction. Macbeth made his own choices, and no one should be held accountable for that. The three witches did not tell Macbeth to murder King Duncan. They told him he would eventually be king one day. Macbeth rushed into killing King Duncan because he thought it would make him king a lot sooner, but that wasn’t the case. Lady Macbeth bullied him into committing the crime and it was ultimately his own choice. After killing King Ducan, Macbeth then saw Banquo and his son Fleance as a threat. In the witches original prophecy, the three witches said that Banquo and his son Fleance were a line of kings and could take over one day. They never told Macbeth that he was a danger to him.
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