Fast Food And Obesity In The United States

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Feeding The Obese In The United States, many people are affected by obesity from the fast food restaurants that feed unhealthy food. When people are obese they lose a lot of opportunities in life, This affects what they are on the outside. Fast food restaurants are made to give the customers a meal, however when they go there and eat, the food they consume is bad for their body and unhealthy which leads to obesity. This is harmful for the environment around with the amount of fast food restaurants. According to research one-third of U.S. children are overweight or obese nearly one-third of the children in united states Eat fast food every day. This is more than double the obesity rate from 30 years ago (Childhood Loss). This impacts everyone …show more content…

In the text of Just how common is fast food in America? It states “ In the world, there are more than 500,000 fast food places” (Ransohoff) This shows that the amount of fast food restaurants are way too many to not have them but we need to make the food healthier. Also this means that the world won't stop the mass production of fast food so they are going to live with it and they don't necessarily need to eat it.
People say that fast food tastes good and is their to satisfy the customer. But even though this is true it is still is not healthy for the body to eat. According to a study, It says “isotopic signatures found in meat products were so high that they were consistent with environments where animals had consumed their own waste” (Rebecca Ruiz). In other word Its says that the animals that are used for the food are so badly treated and they are eating their on waste and then you are eating them. And when the food is processed it is more disgusting than the waste they eat, and all the meat is put …show more content…

People also get addicted to fast food because they eat it nonstop. In the text it says “People may also choose junk food simply because they have developed a mild physical dependence on it. Studies show that binge eating foods high in sugar or fat results in neurochemical changes in the brain similar to those that develop in drug addiction. (Bryan) This is showing that people will get addicted to the fast food from the high sugar in it which will then lead to obesity and high blood pressure. THis is also making it so that people are more likely to go there because they are addicted, it would be just as if you were addicted to drugs and you want

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