Field Assignment: Story Telling Analysis

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Field Assignment: Story Telling
For my field assignment, I chose to teach the SRSD strategy WWW What =2 How = 2. I taught it in my placement, a resource/FSC blended classroom. My students range from K–2nd grade, with two fourth graders. I had originally planned to do my SRSD lesson with my K-2nd grade students because my fourth graders have severe and profound disabilities. I did not feel that this strategy was appropriate for their level. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, I only taught my Kindergarten and first grade students.
I taught one Kindergarten student and three first graders. These students do not have experience with writing creative narratives. Upon realizing my students could not identify basic story elements, I chose …show more content…

Additionally, I had them brainstorm the possibilities for other WWWs. During the second lesson, students identified the What =2 and How = 2 in the story Freddie the Fish, and brainstormed other possibilities for events in stories. I prompted students by asking what they think would happen next or what else could happen to Freddie in the story? When identifying the story elements in Freddie the Fish, I highlighted story elements for my Kindergarten student, read the words aloud, and had him echo. For my first-grade students, I gave them a chance to find the details themselves and, if they were unsuccessful, showed them where to highlight. Once we finished WWW What=2 How=2, students drafted an outline for their own story. In the final lesson, students finished their stories, writing in full sentences and illustrated their stories using the Elements of …show more content…

Finding the various story elements in a paragraph was frustrating for students because they cannot read or write well yet. I had them write because I wanted them to practice their handwriting, but this took time away from the important aspects of the lesson, and it was not engaging. By the end of my first lesson, students were considerably irritated and did not want to continue the unit at all. Another aspect I would change is spending more time on transition words and descriptive details. I had originally planned on doing lessons on these two parts of story writing, but due to my time restrictions, I had to cut them out. It showed in students work, as most of the stories students produced were only about three to four sentences long. Finally, I would have my students draw their pictures and write their stories in tandem, rather than one after the other. This would allow students to revise their writing and drawings overtime. The visual arts and writing would build off of one