
Field Experience Essay

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Introduction During my field experience I got to experience many different problems with many different students. The tutoring group I participated in gave me an opportunity to see many different issues that high school students face today. Some were as simple as helping the student get organized or helping a student go over math homework. While other students have issues that were harder to deal with such as family life issues and test anxiety. Overall I think that that I really learned a lot about common issues that face students of this generation.

Tutoring with A middle School Teacher I completed my field experience tutoring high school ages students who attend South Forsyth and Cherokee High School. The majority of students I tutored …show more content…

According to the same article “Their findings showed that the combined relaxation and cognitive therapy helped reduce anxiety but did not improve performance, and that study skills training alone neither reduced anxiety nor improved performance. They reported that only the combination of all three techniques was successful in both reducing anxiety and increasing performance.” (Wilson, Fall 2009). This will shape the way I prepare students for tests when I start teaching. I would like to learn some cognitive therapy and study-skills training so I can help my students learn to use these tools for the …show more content…

“Some of these changes include room redesign, the development of small-group techniques, and the development of Contract Activity Packages. Redesigning the classroom involves locating dividers that can be used to arrange the room creatively, clearing the floor area, and incorporating student thoughts and ideas into the design of the classroom. Small-group techniques often include a “circle of knowledge” in which students sit in a circle and discuss a subject collaboratively as well as other techniques such as team learning and brainstorming. Contract Activity Packages are educational plans that facilitate learning by using the following elements: 1) clear statement of what the students’ needs to learn; 2) multisensory resources (auditory, visual, tactile, kinaesthetic) that teach the required information; 3) activities through which the newly-mastered information can be used creatively; 4) the sharing of creative projects within small groups of classmates; 5) at least 3 small-group techniques; 6) a pre-test, a self-test, and a post-test .” (Gilakjani, 2012). In the same journal they also talk about how important it is for students to learn their own learning style and what characteristic this style has so they can behave according to their style. So, it is important for us as

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