Film Summary And Film Analysis: Food Inc.

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In the film Food Inc., director Robert Kenner provides a comprehensive look at how our food goes from stages of farming to the aisles of the supermarket and how the driving force of many big companies isn't so much feeding the world but increasing the profits of corporate groups whom control its market. The vast majority of Americans are in the dark, which seems to be how many in the food industry would prefer it. Since profit, not nutrition, is the bottom line for many of these corporations. Americans are becoming increasingly fat and sick and they are fat and sick for two main reasons: lack of physical activity and the food that we consume. If the majority of people in this country had any idea what it is they are consuming, they may choose to be a nation of bulimics instead of a nation of obese people with many health risks such as Type II diabetes and heart disease. …show more content…

has opened my mind to a world of issues and knowledge that I never realized existed. There is a great amount of information provided in this film. Before the film, I had never really given much thought to industrial food and was shocked to see how the system affects the entire world and issues of climate change. Food Inc. doesn’t focus on whether you are a meat eater or a vegetarian, its primary purpose is to show you what you are supporting and eating and how you can make positive changes no matter what your choice in food is. If by the end of the film you plan to continue consuming and putting your money toward questionable products then, regardless of the decisions, you will be doing it with choice and knowledge of what you are

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