Film: The Development Of Editing Over Time

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The Development Of Editing Over Time

The editing of films and footage overtime has changed. Whilst in earlier films, the editing was to cut and put the clips together, more recently, adding meaning and changing the atmosphere. This means that the editor can change and shape the story.

Early motion pictures that were recorded were shown to be one locked-down shot, hardly any or no editing was required as there generally wasn’t any story. Everyday movement recorded like people walking up and down a street and shown to an audience was enough to amaze as this technology wasn’t around before. However with the development of films to tell a story, and different scenes in locations filmed, it was vital to edit to put all of these clips together. …show more content…

The editor has to keep a close eye on the continuity and edit accordingly, as this could affect the storytelling and the realism of the film. Another principle that would affect the realism of the film, is using the ‘invisible edit’. This means that the edit shouldn't be too obvious, and should try and make the film as real as possible. For example, the editor should only use effects, transitions etc when necessary as this could make it distracting to the …show more content…

This is called ‘taking the air out of the film’ and in order to determine how the audience feel and affect them in a positive way, the editing team must look for motivation in their cuts. Cuts in the film usually are for the storyline purposes and it is important to cut at the appropriate time to make sure the narrative develops and progresses further, rather than being slow and doesn't progress. The choice of where the cut also depends on the genre and can affect the pace and storyline. In any film, the cuts and transitions tell the story, and are there for a specific purpose, for example, a passing in time, or to a new location or point of view. B roll is a way editors create meaning and tell the story, for example in a documentary, there may be A roll of an interview, which cuts to B roll of footage that may illustrate and explain the point to the