Final Essay

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“Engineering is a form of art and has filled the world with things of obvious visual beauty but also with subtle forms” –Louis Brown. Everything that surrounds us has been critically designed to perfection after many iterations of trial and error. Engineering is all about creating or designing a project and failing. Yes, I said failing. What I mean by this is that every project is exposed to defects, but the real learning experience comes from acknowledging your mistakes and revising them to make your design better than before. Every bridge, car, or machine that is used on a daily basis consists of a type of engineering discipline. In this report, I will be contrasting three engineering disciplines; Civil, Mechanical, and Industrial Engineering. I chose to compare and contrast these three disciplines because they are the most in-demand (and growing) engineering jobs. …show more content…

My intent is to provide background information on these three engineering disciplines and to provide a basic understanding on how important they are to this generation and to society. To facilitate the understanding of these three disciplines, this report will be divided into the following main sections based on each discipline: (1) history and heritage of the discipline; (2) specialities and/or sub-disciplines; (3) impact on the safety and quality of life for humankind; (4) career opportunities for graduates; (5) national and/or international supply and demand; (6) regional job market needs; and (7) Salaries for BS, MS, and PhD

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