Final Essay

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1. Board of Directors: Westfield Corporation is a stapled group which operates as a single economic entity. The Board of Westfield Corporation Limited (Company) and Westfield America Management Limited (WAML) each have common membership . Both the Boards have adopted a common Board Charter which sets out the objectives, responsibilities and framework for the operation of the Board. The Board is responsible for overseeing the effective management and operation of Westfield Corporation. It is ultimately accountable to security holders and seeks to ensure that the business objectives of Westfield Corporation are aligned with the expectations of security holders and that the operations are being effectively managed in a manner that is focused on those business objectives, as well as conforming to regulatory and ethical requirements. Westfield Corporation …show more content…

It was created in June 2014 after the separation of international business of Westfield Group between Australia and New Zealand. The corporation undertakes ownership, development, design, construction, funds/asset management, property management, leasing, and marketing activities for its centers. It is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. It also has a shopping centre portfolio that includes investment interests in 40 shopping centers across the United States and Europe, encompassing around 7,500 retail outlets and total assets under management in excess of $28.5 billion. It even operates Westfield Labs, a technology and design arm based inside the Westfield San Francisco Centre. Market Outlook : The market’s capture of the Westfield Corporations is likely to increase in the near future as the company mentioned in its annual report that the group’s earning will be positively impacted by the stability of recently completed developments

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