“When I was 12 years old I was going to science we were doing our safety lab so we were going to all the stuff she showed us the fire extinguisher and It went off and hit the table, it then went in my eye I think I was shocked that it went off I jumped up and ran back and forth I was freaking out, then my teacher got me and ran me to the eye washer and I walk back and was trying to help clean the mess, but my eye burned bad so I went to the clinic so they washed my eye out and told me to take off my shirt and she gave another one She called my dad to let me talk to him my eye was all red. I think my teacher thought that the pain was till I the think when she thought It was was saved to pick it up and pick it up and It went …show more content…
“Do you was me to buy your food?” Shaylynn said “no it fine things happen for reason.” When I went home, I told my sisters what happen then she start to giggle, I don't think they believed me at all because like never ever someone got sprayed in the eye at school.When I told my dad she ask me if she can buy me food. My dad said. “To say not to have her buy me food “It was a not on pores,”Shaylynn say. “Ok I will tell her,” The next day Teacher ask …show more content…
I think my teacher thought people was lying about all this like when I was at lunch everyone was coming up to me was like are you ok what happen shaylynn say “The pin fell off, then it spray at the table and i was at the table and it when up and hit me in the eye and month,” Shaylynn think my teacher feel sad like want to quit her job. Shaylynn felt really bad because she almost quit her job just because kids like to tell lies. When I was in the Clint the boss came up to me and ask me what happen, I told him then my eyes were still bringing bad they the boss say “If it get bad I have to go home or the hospital,” I was scared at that point when I left the Clint I when back to my teacher. “I am ok,”The teacher said “Joyful to hear that thank for telling me,” when to my two per teacher she