Fpa Personal Statement

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Regardless of where my future leads me, I want to establish a high ethical standard and provide a positive contribution to society. Since I was young, my family has always stressed the importance of commitment. They’d used to say, “Go big, or go home!” I kept those words in mind throughout my high school experience. Whether it is tennis, AP classes, or extracurricular activities, I’ve committed myself to be the best that I can be.
Playing sports is an expectation that many people see in boys. Growing up, I always knew that I would commit myself to a sport. Athleticism was just something that I enjoyed and admired so much. Tennis has been a major part of my childhood and adolescence. It was the first thing that I devoted myself to; the first …show more content…

One of my friends suggested that I join Future Physicians of America, and I was very tentative at first. But after opening up and experiencing the club services first hand, I knew FPOA was the club for me. FPOA is a medical volunteering organization that supports community service, which is something I enjoy doing. It just makes me so happy seeing other people smile, and knowing that I’m responsible for it. This was a huge stepping stone towards being a mature, morally-centered individual; serving the community. During the summer of my junior year I attended a mission trip to China, sponsored by my church. My goal was to teach English and provide a proper education to the kids residing in villages. It was the first time that I was exposed to poverty. Living amongst them for two weeks, seeing the poor quality of housing, meager sanitation, and scarcity of resources, it allowed me to understand how fortunate I am and how much I wanted to help those who are less fortunate. What truly inspired me was that regardless of how deprived my students’ lifestyles were, they all had the unwavering optimism to change their fate; to become successful and achieving individuals. Both of these extracurricular organizations have taught me about selflessness, awareness of others, and gratitude for