
Personal Statement: FFA

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Many people have helped make me who I am today, but one special person came into my life almost four years ago who has challenged me to be stronger than I could ever have imagined. My mother urged me into sign up to take the class Future Farmers of America aka FFA. My first response was to remind her of the fact our family is not into farming or ranching. We live in town not in the country so I could not understand why I should be interested in such a class. I finally agreed to give it a try to please my mother. The first required class assignment was for all new students to quote the FFA Creed on the first day of school. For some reason I took this as a challenge and diligently worked to get it memorized. As I do with all my assignments, …show more content…

She seemed extremely surprised to see anyone at her door that early. To say the least, I was the first student to quote the Creed that early on that first day of school. From that moment on my teacher and I quickly became accepting of one another. I hit the ground running that first day and have only built up more steam over the last four years. Ms. Howard and I formed a bond very quickly. Our relationship started out with her pushing me and me trying not to let her down. Some Seniors who had been competing in Ag Issues together for three years asked me to join their team. Howard as she is lovingly called by everyone, wasn’t sure I could get all the information memorized so she drilled me constantly, making me stand up in front of everyone saying my part until I finally had it all learned. She guided my success with pure unrelenting embarrassment and I began to realize she was not going to give up on me. Because she believed in me, she made me believe in myself. My first eight years of school I was simply the quiet computer nerd and Howard was changing me within just a few weeks of school. With her great sense of humor and her unmistakable wit she has encouraged me to take part in every …show more content…

She never lets me give up and pushes me to be my best in all areas. It was through her encouragement that ran for office my Freshman year. Since then, I have taken her advice and worked hard to be a leader in all our FFA programs. I respect her so much that when she says “go”, I say “ where and when!” She took me out of my comfort zone and encouraged me to raise a pig. She helped me get a job at a pig farm so I could keep my pig there while getting it ready to show. After working there for a while I questioned whether she hated me, but I soon realized she understood I would rise to the occasion and gain the knowledge I needed while working at the pig farm. Her insight has been invaluable to me and her advice has meant so much to me. Having someone who not only believes in me, but also stays on my heels never letting up on the expectations she knows I am capable of, is a wonderful relationship. I know I have frustrated her so many times, but she has never given up on me or let me give up on myself. My leadership skills, organizational skills and dedication in my work has greatly been influenced by my FFA teacher, Ms. Howard. I will always be grateful for the time and energy she gave to encourage me, direct me and just

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