Gender Wage Gap Essay

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What is the gender wage gap? Well it is the difference between a male and female and how much they earn in their line of work.The gender wage gap has caused a lot of fuss over the years. Men and women have gone back and forth trying to figure out if this gap really exists, in reality there is no wage gap. Research will back the fact that women do indeed make as much as men.
Some women choose to work part time which doesn’t pay as good as a full time job and most part time jobs don’t require a college degree, jobs that are low paying such as waitressing doesn’t pay high because the person waiting tables earns tips and they don’t need a degree to be nice (Anesse, 2018).
Women have been said to be bad negotiators and this then causes the wage gap. This is not true for all women but women are often perceived as overbearing or pushy this causes people not wanting to work with women ( Jean, 2014). Women choose to have children or maybe they don’t and end up pregnant anyway, regardless when they have children they have to take what is called maternity leave. During this time mothers are able to heal their bodies and spend …show more content…

These jobs will naturally pay more. More examples of male dominated jobs would be loggers, pilots, farmers, ranchers, truck drivers, construction workers, and the list is endless. Men are more likely to take jos that have longer hours than women and this again could go hand in hand with women who want children. Men will also take jobs that require weekend work for example a man or woman who works a nine to five will not earn as much as a man or woman who works on a unscheduled time clock. Although all of the above reasons to promote reasons why men earn more than a woman it has been proven through Nemkos’ research that an unmarried woman who has never had a child will generally earn more than a man who is unmarried (Tobak,

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