Generational Leadership Approach

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Cultural and Generational Leadership Approach
The referenced Exhibit 10-7 of Team Effectiveness in Hall Lecture 8 showcases two behavioral approaches. The two behavioral approaches, were the ones I contemplated amongst, the organization-focused behavior and team-focused behavior. The team focused behavior emphases on building team trust, diagnosing member behavior, delegating authority, and influencing the team” (Druskat & Wheeler, 2003). The organization-focused behavior central prominence is “relating, scouting, persuading and empowering teams” (Druskat & Wheeler, 2003). Regardless of what behavior you prefer, the ending result will result in team effectiveness. The personal approach of leadership through cultural and generational lines I …show more content…

The Millenials and Generation X have differing qualities, influences, and core values. Generation X is considered the eldest of the two groups. They value hard work, and pay their dues. (Belhaven University, 2016). Whereas the Millenials are more achievement and cause based, depending on incentives offered. Generation X respects the chain of command or hierarchy (Belhaven University, 2016). They are loyal to the company they work for and are membership oriented (Belhaven University, 2016). Millenials have “helicopter parents” (Belhaven University, 2016), which are parents who are overprotective of their children. Millenials are heavily into social networking, and prefer electronic media twenty-four, seven (Belhaven University, 2016). They are not loyal or committed to one job, because they are always looking for more and better because they feel they have a sense of entitlement (Belhaven University, …show more content…

Christian leadership is also known as servant leadership. Christian leaders compass teams and Jesus’s servant leadership model to build and develop teams to achieve their ultimate potential. Servant leadership headlines the principle of wisdom. As a result, “without counsel plan fail, but with many adviser they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22). “By wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory” (Proverbs 26:6). In short, decisions we make in life are directly mentioned in the Bible under the do’s and the don’ts. Instead we learn “what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2). Working as team continually reminds us that there is one “chief Shepherd” (1 Peter 5:4). A true leader, answers their calling, possess competence and confidence, and have character. Therefore, it is important to serve as leaders of Christ who live and praise according to their true calling in order to build an effective