Genesis 1 Research Paper

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Creation” – Genesis 1. In this text, it is taught that the earth was barren, lifeless, and empty until God’s Spirit moved through the land and breathed life into the world and brought forth the idea of creation and existence. The Bible proceeds to outline the day by day records of what God created during each. On the first day, God created light and separated light from darkness, creating night and day. On the second day, God created something to divide the waters and called it sky. On the third day, God created dry ground and called it land, and gathered the water and called it seas, along with vegetation. On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon, and stars, in order to calculate seasons, days, and years. On the fifth day, God created …show more content…

The Ten Commandments – Exodus. After God lead the people of Israel out of Egypt, he met Moses on Mount Sinai, explaining why he had rescued these chosen people. The Ten Commandments were meant to be God’s law, the spiritual guidelines for his children. People had given into idolatry, and then smashed the tablets and burnt the Golden Calf, while God told Moses to recreate the discipline of the commandments on new tablets. The commandments by God stated that you will have no other Gods before me, you shall not make idols, you shall not take the name of the Lord in vain, you shall remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, you shall honor your father and mother, you shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, and you shall not …show more content…

The Betrayal – Judas was one of Jesus’ original disciples, but he was an underlying thief. The other apostles left Jesus and Peter did not believe him, Judas led the temple guard to Jesus himself by kissing him. After, although showing remorse, he failed to seek God’s forgiveness. This is here to show that it is never too late to seek forgiveness or cleanse from sin.
14. The Denial – After the last supper, Jesus predicted and explained that Judas would betray him, and also his disciples would forget about him, but peter vowed to stay loyal and dedicated. A mob arrested Jesus at the garden of gethsemane, when a servant girl noticed Peter and accused him of being with Jesus but he denied it. This story proves that Christ is excited to forgive us and restore our relationships.
15. 30 pieces of silver – When Judas betrayed Jesus, this is the amount of currency that he was bribed for. He agreed to hand over Jesus at this price but regretted his decision afterwards and was filled with