Genetically Modified Foods Persuasive Essay

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Humanity is increasingly facing obstacles that prevent it from evolving and sustaining itself. Of such obstacles is the insufficient amount of arable land that is needed in order to produce enough food for the ever increasing number of humans on Earth. According to MIT, the number of humans on Earth is expected to rise above 9 billion by 2050, which begs the question if such a growth is sustainable and whether there is enough place to cultivate the food needed by those 9 billion human beings. The simple answer is no, which is why mankind has developed Genetically modified foods, otherwise known as GMFs which are supposed to yield a healthier, more nutritious, and increased number of crops. However there are some that insist that genetically modified foods are dangerous to humans. Nevertheless, seeing that genetically modified food are believed to be more nutritious, lasting longer than organic food, all the while being more resilient which helps sustaining the food supply for future generations, I believe that genetically modified foods are a new way found by scientists …show more content…

As the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (n.d.) claims, the number of humans on Earth is increasing at an alarming pace. By 2050 the human population is expected to be around the nine million mark, however the amount of arable, or agricultural land available is expected to decrease due to climate change and increased urbanization. In other words, humanity does not have enough cultivatable land in order to produce the required amount of food needed in order to sustain the ever increasing number of humans around the world. Nevertheless, the solution to this issue is found in GMFs as genetically modifying plants would lead to an increased crop yield from less land (Massachussets Institute of Technology, n.d.). Having said that, the main advantages of transgenic crops are finally