Persuasive Essay On Gm Foods

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Genetically Modified Foods (GM Foods) have raised heated debates in colleges and globally. Environmental organizations have actively protested against the introduction of GM Foods in colleges, citing several harmful effects of GM corn. On the contrary, the U.S Food and Drug Administration established new regulatory procedures for approval of Genetically Modified Foods.
First, we need to understand what the term GM Foods means; it refers to crops created for animal or human consumption using techniques from molecular biology. The crops are often modified in vitro to enhance the desired traits. Traditionally, this process has been achieved through breeding which consumed a lot of time to achieve the much-needed results. Genetic engineering has …show more content…

Several studies and in vitro tests have shown that the presence of new DNA genes/ sequence in GM Foods does not pose any potential hazard to the human body. In fact, even most natural foods contain some amounts of RNA and DNA. In my view, the only potential concern is the production of toxic substances by the transgenes. However, this production only occurs when transgenes coded for toxins were absorbed in large amounts into the body of the human beings. FDA needs to conduct a frequent assessment of safety on GM Foods to ensure they comply with the regulatory standards and are less harmful to humans (Roberts …show more content…

In my perspective, every citizen deserves the right to know what he or she is consuming. Colleges should not force their students to eat GM Foods without their consent. It is wise for FDA and other regulatory bodies to call for labeling of GM Foods even in supermarkets so that the choice to purchase GM products lies solemnly in the hands of the consumers. Surveys reveal that only 13 percent of US citizens are actively avoiding GM Foods while 74 percent are interested in consuming them. This revelation is quite surprising considering the heated up media coverages from environmental activist, religious organizations, and other anti-GM organizations. Could this mean that the public is enjoying the benefits of GM Foods regarding costs and nutritional value? Above all, we need further improvements on GM foods to reassure the public of their safety (Krimsky and Gruber