
Genetically Modified Foods Persuasive Essay

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Norman Borlaug’s research in crop biology and genetics is credited with saving over one billion lives worldwide. Borlaug researched the genetics of plants and used advanced breeding techniques to develop dwarf wheat, which resulted in increased yields and lower agricultural costs. While Borlaug’s research came before genetically modified foods, Borlaug has endorsed genetically modified foods as the way to ensure food security for an increasing global population. The food needs of tomorrow’s world cannot be met simply by traditional agricultural practices alone. We must endorse genetically modified foods (GMFs) if we are to ensure that hunger dissipates. GMFs have the potential to solve some of the world’s problems today, including the problem of world hunger and starvation. The idea of eliminating world hunger through scientific innovation is an idea that I can certainly get …show more content…

GMFs are everywhere. I never go a single day without eating them. Without GMFs, I would face higher prices every day for food, because genetic modification increases food yields and the supply of food. Today, I am eating food that is safer, healthier, and more plentiful than ever before. I know several small-scale farmers who have personally benefited from genetically modified foods, and their ability to provide for their family has increased. Genetically modified foods have also shaped the way I think about the world. GMFs have given me more hope that the suffering of millions of starving people around the world can be alleviated. For this reason, I have advocated for genetically modified foods as a way to increase food security. I have researched genetically modified foods and I have given speeches on their benefits to society. By spreading information about the benefits of genetically modified foods, I can ease the opposition to them. In this way, the cause of GMFs allows me to have an enormous impact on the lives of

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