Weber's Theory Of Bureaucracy Analysis

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Marx Weber Propounded the theory of bureaucracy, to explain a society in chaos on the unset of Industrialization. He was looking for rational bases to explain what was happing in Germany at the time. Weber believed that economic order was important in determining the precise position of different communities, but other factors, under appropriate conditions could influence people’s action in ways not directly derivable from purely “economic “interest. Weber felt that although economic order is important, he thought that rational bureaucracy, rather than class struggle was significant in determining societal action in modern conditions. (Hadden, 1997) This paper seeks to explain the principles of bureaucracy and determine the extent …show more content…

In looking at the structure we can begin with the public sector and the levels of government. The Governor General is appointed by the queen, who oversees the running of the state. A democratic election of parliament usually appoints the next Prime Minister who, have a selected body of officers working along in different ministries. These Ministers also have junior ministers who in turn have different members of staff in various field all working with the goal of serving the one at the top. Institutions such as Universities and private business all follows the societal structure of a bureaucratic society. Simple organization within our university all function under the system of bureaucracy; whenever the students feels stifled or mistreated they would bring their issues or concerns to the Student Government who in turn consult the faculty who figure out ways to help solve the problem. By following the order of hierarchy they were able to get the issues to the ones who are responsible for fixing the problems. All these institutions are following what Weber view as characteristics of a modern society. What is different in our society to that proposed by Weber is the rigidity and the impersonal nature of the bureaucracy. As a result the functionality and efficiency that comes about as a result is lacking. With every general election there is the hope and promise of jobs and security if you the individual vote for a particular democratic party. Having a position or rising to the top is no longer about how hard an individual would have worked in the field , but it’s all about who you know in that particular position. Even, the education system is affected by bias and personal selection with individuals being awarded scholarship based on who they know at the office at not at all on the merit of their education. Despite,