The requirements for opening and operating an in-home daycare vary from one state to the next. However, most states do have very similar guidelines. For example, there are many states that require an in-home daycare to be licensed to provide such services. Often, an in-home daycare owner must also obtain licensure to operate in the city or town the business is in as well. Finally, many states also require providers to obtain and maintain liability insurance as well as have specific child care standards that must be followed.
However, before you even consider opening an in-home daycare, there are a few questions you must ask yourself. Following, you will find five questions to ask yourself before beginning the process of opening your in-home daycare. After that, if you feel you’re ready- there will be some tips on how to get started
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Once you open an in-home daycare, you must realize that it’s no longer just “home”- it is now your business. People are going to be coming into your home five days a week and your home is going to begin to show the “wear and tear” of taking care of a group of children day in and day out. Children do not maliciously damage your home- but accidents are going to happen and toddlers simply don’t realize how strong they truly are. Your walls are going to end up with dents. You are going to need to repaint- often. Your couch is going to show the activity it sees every day- so will your floors.
There are many people out there who buy huge homes and only spend a few hours in them each day. However, when you own and operate an in-home daycare, every square inch of your home will be used and enjoyed. You will be able to stay home and spend time in your own home and yard. Your commute will be quick! Many people find the thought of being surrounded by the comforts of their own home quite appealing. However, there are others who would prefer to separate their work life/space from their home