
Guaranteed Professional Program Of Admission Essay

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The undergraduate program is important in a college education, however, it is just the first step of the career formation. Obtaining a BS, master, doctorate, and a Ph.D. are also crucial steps. The amazing thing about professional degrees is that they invite you to research and express your ideas at a professional level. That is why the Guaranteed Professional Program of Admissions is interesting.

In college, every student has a curriculum to complete, they do not have much time for considering their next steps towards a BS, masters, or Ph.D. degree.That is why I would like to be accepted into the GPPA since it will offer me the freedom to pursue more academic goals with the security of a guaranteed place for a professional degree.

Civil engineering is a really flexible career, it is made up of seven branches. I am interested in three of them: structural engineering, water resources engineering, and urban and community planning. Obtaining a …show more content…

In other words, how will we add security and quality to the people’s lives? I believe this would be a good idea for a thesis. Now I have begun to delve more into this topic in this topic, many people agree that the best protective engineering for natural disasters is located in Japan. The only problem is the cost, simply restructuring a 213-meter building can cost over 17,000 dollars. China is the most populated country in the world, which is why they have the best engineering in Urban and Community Planning, and house 84 of the 124 skyscrapers in the world. Finally, USA is leading in eco-friendly constructions leading to research and investment. The final goal is to mix all of these three technologies; however, the limitations are money and cooperation. I know that with the education I will get from The University of Illinois at Chicago, I will help to solve that

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