Habitat For Humanity Case Study

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Have you ever just paid close attention will driving, noticing the scenery around you? Seeing so many people in need holding up signs and let’s not forget the ones outside stores asking for change. More importantly all the news talk about natural disasters, employment rate, and crime? We as a humans need pull together and help fix the problem. Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit successful organization that helps fix these problems one-step at a time, and now it’s worldwide. Habitat for Humanity organization of salvation for many people in America, and in other countries too. “Founded in 1976, by Millard Fuller, co-founder his wife Linda Fuller christen couple dedicated to helping others after visiting the Kinonia Farm located in Americus Ga” Habitat’s History (2017). Awarded with many medals one given by a former president Bill Clinton. The organization is nationwide, they …show more content…

Race and or religion has not character in determining one eligibility Habitat alongside volunteers build simple, decent, and affordable houses for low-income families. The mission is to leave no child or family living in the streets. The organization is a world-wide program therefore their focus isn’t just one main place. The application process can range from 2moths to 2 years depending on funding and current buildings. Homeowners are selected based on their need for housing, their ability to repay a mortgage and their willingness to work in partnership with Habitat. Housing are sold through a non-profit mortgage. Therefore the family in need are helping out as much as the next person wanting to live in their own home. Also and annual income is needed when applying for a home. “Habitat has built over 600,000 houses and have also served over 3 million people around the globe” Habitat’s History