Student Plagiarism: Cause And Effect

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Student Ethics Cause and Effect
In colleges and universities, there remains the fact that plagiarism is rampant on college campuses in the United States. Much research has been done by university professors, in which they came up with options for the prevention of plagiarism in academia. Obviously, professors have numerous options available to them for the prevention of plagiarism in their classrooms and university campuses, yet students can go unnoticed in their cheating behavior. Students, especially college students, should know that cheating is not acceptable behavior.
College and university students cheat for a wide variety of reasons; one reason why students cheat is because they think that it is an acceptable thing to do. According to Colleen M. Halupa’s article “Exploring Student Self-Plagiarism,” research found out that about 60% of students felt no need to cite their previous unpublished works, in which an approximate 80% of college faculty consider self-plagiarism. Halupa is explaining that many students in the college system intentionally hand in a paper that was in a way “recycled” from another class; many students consider this type of plagiarism to be okay because they merely copied the same sentence from …show more content…

According to Manpreet and Harpreet Kaur’s article “Study of peer influence among university students,” peer pressure is the influence a peer group has on an individual and that peer pressure can lead one into doing dishonest practices. Manpreet and Harpreet are explaining that college students can be pressured to cheat by a group of classmates. Because of the intensity in pleasing the wrong crowd despite the severe consequences, students fail in academic honesty in that they are afraid of standing for what is honest; therefore they plagiarize. As there are many reasons why a student can cheat, there is a wide variety of easy ways college students