Healthcare Organizational Culture Paper

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An organization’s culture is designed to interface with their strategic goals as common values are shared at all levels of the organization (Glickman, Bagget, Kribett, Peterson & Schulman, October 18, 2007). A culture at an organization can be powerful as for it holds together the entire organization while they together as one adapt to prospective changing in their environment to better improve the operating efficiency of the organization (Glickman, Bagget, Kribett, Peterson & Schulman, October 18, 2007). With a culture, it can reflect on how the organization views and do things based on together as a whole acting as one with common and shared goals (Davies, Nutley & Mannion, 2000). Organization’s that share a culture typical do things that …show more content…

(O’Hagan & Persaud, 2009). The key to improving quality based on measured performance, the healthcare organization must embed a culture of accountability. If a healthcare organization continues to improve through learning and utilizes evidence-based practices, they must be accountable at all level of the organization to ensure performance management is certain while continuing to make improvements that will inhere to better quality of care for the patient’s and operating efficiency for the organization (O’Hagan & Persaud, …show more content…

Many healthcare organization’s have developed a culture of quality, excellence due to the change. By having a culture of accountability, it enhances quality excellences at all levels of the organization as staff work together as a team with common and shared values to deliver good medical care to the patient that is safe and error-free (O’Hagan & Persaud, 2009). Through quality, excellence, the patient received care that results in good outcomes based on the value dollar spent. (O’Hagan & Persaud, 2009). By promoting quality excellence, the healthcare organization reduced overused worthless and misuse resources in an effort to improved efficiency while focusing on aligning the patient with the right provider while eliminating waste in order for the patient to have profound results (O’Hagan & Persaud, 2009) (Kennedy, Didehban & Fasolino, 2014). With quality, excellence, it increases the use of good evidence-based protocols and performance measures that eliminates improper delivery of care (O’Hagan & Persaud, 2009). In addition, quality along with accountability encourages all levels of the organization to be responsible in implementing evidence assessment through processes of outcome measures to receive feedback to improve performance and medical outcomes (O’Hagan & Persaud,