Henry Ford Research Paper

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Henry Ford was born in 1863 in Greenfield Township U.S. Henry Ford was an American industrialist, the founder of the Ford Motor Company and sponsor of the development of the assembly line technique of mass production.
At the beginning of the 20th century cars where a plaything for the rich. Henry Ford was determine to build a simple, Reliable affordable car. That was 20 horse power One that the average American worker could afford. The model T was successful built in 1908 at the price of $825.00 over ten thousand were sold in its first year. Four years later the price dropped to$575.00 and sales soared. By 1914, Ford could claim a 48% share of the automobile market. Ford had so much demand he needed to produce more cars so he then employed …show more content…

He said “we are going to start a completely new job”. It took only a few days to build and setup a few simple power tools. Mr Ford had been introduced to a new metal called English vanadium steel. It was tensile strength nearly three times the strength than the steel we were using but they had never seen it before. The new steel meant entirely new designs and they could get a better, lighter cheaper car as a result of it.
Actually it took four years or more to develop the Model T. Previous models were the guinea pigs, one might say, for experiments and developments of a car which would realize Henry Ford’s dream car come true that anyone could buy, which anyone could drive anywhere.
By March, 1908 they were ready to announce that Model T was ready, but not to produce, On October 1st of that year the first car was introduced to the public and 15000000 more came.
Birth of assembly …show more content…

We gradually worked it out by bringing up only what we termed the fast-moving materials. The main bulky parts, like engines and axles, needed a lot of room. To give them that space, we left the smaller, more compact, light-handling material in a storage building on the northwest comer of the grounds. Then we arranged with the stock department to bring up at regular hours such divisions of material as we had marked out and packaged. Then one Sunday morning, after stock was laid out in this fashion, Lewis and I and a couple of helpers put together the first car, I’m sure that was ever built on a moving line.We did this by putting the frame on skids, and tying a towrope to the front of the car and pulling along the axles and wheels were put on. Then they rolled the chassis along in notches to prove what could be done. While giving this a trail run, we worked on some of the subassemblies, such as completing a radiator with all its hose fittings so that it sped the process up. We also did this with the dash and mounted the steering gear and the spark