Hindu Beliefs Of The Indus Valley Civilization

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Hinduism is considered one of the oldest religions, as its history dates back further than written records (Van Voorst, 2013). It is said that Hinduism began somewhere in the Indus Valley, which is present day India and Pakistan (Van Voorst, 2013). The Indus Valley civilization is believed to have originated around 7000BC and reached its height around 2300-2000BC. The Indus civilization experienced isolationism and was indigenous, creating its own local culture. There was no single group that was responsible for forming the Hindu religion. Instead, it was a religion birthed out of religious and cultural changes in India. Although no group is solely responsible for its creation, the Aryan civilization was hugely responsible for the spread …show more content…

The first point is that Hindus believe in a supreme, transcendent being, whom they consider to be the Creator (Hindu History, 2015). This universal spirit is called the Brahman (Betty, 2010). In regards to religious scripture, Hindus believe the four Vedas are divine writings. Hindus believe the universe is cyclical and ever-evolving. Hindus believe in karma, a cause and effect law (Betty, 2010). Hindus believe that when their mortal body dies, their soul reincarnates until every karma has been resolved (Betty, 2010). Hindus believe in divine beings exist in unseen worlds and create a communion with these beings. Hindus believe that an enlightened master, or satguru, is essential to know the Transcendent Absolute (Hindu History, 2015). Hindus believe that all life is sacred and worthy of appreciation. Hindus believe that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others, but that all genuine paths are facets of God's Light, deserving tolerance and understanding. In the Hindu belief system, adherents believe that the universe is never-ending. However, I will opine with my beliefs, that there is a beginning and an end. God created the universe and everything within it. Our time spent on Earth should be dedicated to Him, salvation, and a pursuit to live a “Christ-like” life. At the end of our time here on Earth, our soul lives on in Heaven. There is no re-incarnation or “do