How Did Barbie Influence Popular Culture

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Back in 1959, when the Barbie doll debut, she is a very popular toy throughout the world. For half a century, she's a pop culture icon and a source of inspiration and imagination for girls worldwide. Barbie is a female representation and plays role in popular culture. The Barbie Fashion shown reflects pop culture and socio-political developments. Barbie reflected first shyly, and then more and more confident, which was to snap up currents. The Californian Barbie manufacturers have always ensured that Barbie looks good and always moves with the times for example, in the 80s, Barbie wore shoulder pads however In the 90s the navel remained free. She is the epitome of capitalism, Western pop culture, the epitome of cruel beauty ideals and of the all dominant market logic that is so deeply seeped into society, that blonde, slim, blue-eyed women …show more content…

It is an iconic character that appealed many young people as well as million of people all over the world. The Walt Disney’s character has become one of the symbols of pop cultures. Nowadays, Mickey mouse is not only just presented in the form of a mouse cartoon on the Television, moreover he has been presented and exposed in Theme parks, animated films as well as Disney merchandise. The perception of audience toward Mickey mouse may vary from generation to generation, people from generation x might look at the Mickey mouse as a normal cartoon just like others. As mentioned earlier mickey mouse has been transformed into many artifacts, today, Mickey mouse is everywhere, we can easily find him regardless of where we are not only a cartoon character. Mickey Mouse for the past 80 years has represented and created experience of happiness, kindness, innocence and honesty, which still engages people at any ages and genders. The perception of Audience toward Mickey mouse has remained; it may change in terns of the evolution of Mickey mouse, such as, a new character or a better cartoon