
How Did The Renaissance Differ From The Middle Ages

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The Middle Ages and the Renaissance can be considered one of the two main eras that influenced the world we live in today. The Middle Ages, which lasted from the 5th to the 15th century, was a time of darkness, death, cultural diffusion,no education, art, and literature. The Renaissance, started in the 1350s, stirred a lot of new ideas to the public, and showed what the world really has to offer. Politically, before the Renaissance, people were under the impression that god chose the man in charge. They lived in a world where feudalism was established. Religiously, the church was the way to go. If you did not follow the church you were deemed to go to hell. Philosophically, art, science, and literature started to expand, people started to get new ideas they never thought of. A …show more content…

Starting with politics, there was a massive change from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Like mentioned before, the world was run by a system called feudalism. Feudalism was the way the cities were set up. They would have the king, which was the ruler. A law known as the: Divine Right to Rule, states that god made that person in charge. Second, came the lord. The lord was the ruler of the manor. The people living in the manors, worked for the lord, paying what we now call taxes and living a very small village life. The knights, played the role of protecting the manor. The peasants, which are basically the people living in the manor, lived a very dull and regular life. It was a world where death could be expected any day. The lives lived were short and just very depressing. Churches also played a big

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