How Did The Trial Of Honeywell V Sperry Rand

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The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer): a well-known and generally accepted as the first computer. But was it the first computer, or was it just based off another computer? Well, as people are figuring out, a computer, that John Atanasoff created, named ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer), came first and defined the basic principles of the ENIAC. This single discovery on how an electrical computer would work put forth how the majority of computers do computations today. Summing it all up, this man not only invented the first computer, he also helped in the trial of Honeywell v. Sperry Rand, which paved the way of the information age; however, some people claim that he did not create the first computer.
With the invention of the …show more content…

Sperry Rand, he helped the world be able to construct computers without being attacked by patients on computer parts. These patents taxed people who made computers, to the point that computers were not incredibly lucrative. Only after the trial did personal computers take the market by storm. Apple, a computer and phone giant, put out their first personal computer in 1973, two years after the trial took place, in 1971, supporting the idea that it was pointless to build computers until after the trial happened. Also, Sperry Rand wanted to keep the computer and its concepts to themselves. As stated, “Sperry Rand chose to sue… Honeywell over the ENIAC patent”(Atanasoff, “Computer”), Sperry Rand sued over the idea of the computer, to not let it go into the public, as the idea was incredibly lucrative. Lastly, countless computer companies wanted this trial to happen, too, as it is very clear that these patents were heavily debilitating on big companies. Atanasoff “...had been approached 17 years earlier by an attorney representing IBM… the issue was revived due to a lawsuit filed by computer manufacturer Honeywell…” (Atanasoff, “Leaders”), pointing towards the idea that this trial was very important to a numerous amount of people. In this effect, Atanasoff gave the computer to the people by getting rid of the patients on the