How Do Sugar In Energy Drinks Informative Speech

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Sugar in Energy Drinks
I. Speech Overview:
A. General Goal: To inform.
B. Specific Goal: By the end of my speech, my audience will understand that Energy drinks contain too much sugar and to think twice before consuming.
II. Introduction:
A. Attention Grabber: How many of y all know exactly how much sugar is in a energy drink?
B. Relevance Statement: Well more than likely we've had a fair share or seen others drink some after that all-nighter and the times we could barely keep our eyes open during a long lecture or work. Though these energy drinks seem to do the job and give “energy” they aren't the best to the body.
C. Credibility Statement: after at least 5 hours of research I’ve determined the major ingredient and effects they can do to the body and we should all be aware what our body consumes
D. Central Idea/Thesis Statement: One of the main ingredients in energy drinks is sugars. Though energy drinks are very popular, there is a max daily intake, an …show more content…

C. Too much sugar is bad for our health.
1. According to Research Scientist Malik and Dr. Hu from The Journal of the American College of Cardiology, “Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages has been consistently linked to increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease” (Malik). Many people unwarily consume too much sugar in the form of liquid and is slightly addictive.
2. Maybe the most earliest effects of too much sugar in energy drinks is that after a few hours of drinking it and the blood sugar increase, is the sugar crash. A sugar crash can happen after a consuming a big amount of carbohydrates a.k.a. sugars and according to Nutrition Specialist and Dietician Janet Renee you can feel, “you may feel weak, irritable, sweaty, shaky and hungry, or experience a rapid heart rate or headache”( How To Treat A Low Blood Glucose).
Transition into conclusion: In

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