How Do Supervisors Support Organizational Goals

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Supervisors need to communicate organizational goals and how they link to individual and work group performance in order to energize their employees to accomplish desired results. While developing performance plans, supervisors and employees can talk about how employee accomplishments support organizational goals. By aligning employee performance with organizational goals, supervisors direct their employees' efforts toward maximizing accomplishments and supporting the agency's strategic plans. Implement business goals that are attainable by the business and its employees. If you have a brand-new business, becoming number one worldwide in your industry in the next year is likely not an attainable goal. It is important that the goals you set …show more content…

Without time lines, goals are useless. In our first example about increasing sales, “Increase business sales” is not a timely goal. However, our specific goal gives a deadline of December 31 of this year to increase sales. This provides a deadline for the goal. It gives a time when the goal should be measured to determine whether the objectives have been achieved. All goals that are set should have a time line attached so that you can measure and track your successes, and conversely, see where you might need to improve. Each manager will probably find between five and eight goals enough to cover those aspects of the job crucial to successful performance. These are the elements which you will use to judge his or her performance. Of course, other duties which do not fall into the above goals should not be neglected. But they are of secondary importance. When your managers begin to set their goals, they may want to know what areas are suitable for goal setting. What are the really important aspects of their jobs rather than that part which is most visible to them? How can they be sure that their program is balanced for the long haul, rather than just reacting to immediate, pressing problems? How can they set goals which are most likely to help them control their