
How Does Sugar Affect The Rate Of Anaerobic Respiration In Yeast

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Research and Rationale: My investigation consists of researching and carrying out experiments in order to obtain a result on how respiration is affected by sugars. The aim of this investigation is to find out how different sugars affect respiration in yeast. In my investigation I will carry out an experiment involving 5 different sugars; Maltose, Sucrose, Glucose, Galactose and Fructose. Each sugar will be used in an experiment which will be tested to see how they affect respiration in yeast. Yeast is a single-celled organism which is usually found in the fungi group in the Kingdom. As for many other organisms energy is also vital for yeast for living and growth. A big part of helping yeast to live and grow is carried out by respiration; respiration …show more content…

It takes place in conditions with limited oxygen or when no oxygen is present. Yeast respires in a fermentation container without oxygen and produces alcohol. These are the steps to making alcohol from yeast via anaerobic respiration: Step 1: Plants contain sugar, this sugar is broken down and energy is released, this energy is used to carry out biological processes in cells. The sugar from the plants is extracted and ready to be used further in the process of fermentation. Step 2: The sugar extracted from the plants are then added to the yeast in the fermentation container. The sugar (glucose) is broken down and alcohol and carbon dioxide are released. Energy is also released during the process. This is the energy that helps yeast grow. Step 3: The yeast that is kept in warm conditions , this is done to help the increase the growth rate of yeast as it will grow faster in warmer conditions. The yeast is usually placed in a fermentation container not only to keep it warm but also to keep out oxygen so that aerobic respiration does not take place; this is done by the help of carbon dioxide, which keeps oxygen out. The fermentation container also keeps the yeast free from any micro-organisms so that they do not interfere with the respiration

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