How Good Writing Gets Written Analysis

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The Writing Process: A Key to a Successful Essay Several writers have written articles about the writing process that college students tend to use. Some writers claim that college students do not write thoroughly. Through their writings, some authors advise students on how to write more efficiently. This is because most students are unaware of the various writing strategies and processes that can enhance their writing. In “How Good Writing Gets Written,” Keith Hjortshoj outlines several strategies that would help college students become better at the writing process. As a college student, I found that some of his strategies would help me develop into a better writer.
In “How Good Writing Gets Written,” Keith Hjortshoj mentions several methods and strategies that will refine my writing process. One of the strategies that I found helpful is that of thinking about a writing assignment and how to approach it in my leisure time. Hjortshoj emphasizes that interesting ideas might occur to students at a time when they are not working on the writing assignment itself. For instance, he mentions that ideas might occur to students when they are talking to …show more content…

In general, an outline makes the writing process simpler for a writer since it contains brief ideas and the order in which they will appear in an essay. For some people, an outline will help them identify any weak ideas, contradictions, or invalid arguments in their paper (Hjortshoj 75). In addition, Hjortshoj advises students to move an important idea to the beginning of a paper and reorganize their paper from there. Most students express their best idea in a vague way at the end of a paper. They do not detect this issue because they barely revise their papers. However, students should carefully revise their papers to make sure that their main idea is introduced at the