
How To Follow Cowlishaw's Rules In The Classroom

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Rules/Expectations Posted Yes/No Describe

Mrs. Reyes’s rules in the classroom follow Cowlishaw’s Rules of Thumb: Be respectful, Be responsible, Be ready and Be safe. The poster with the rules is placed on the front wall, opposite students’ desks.
Daily Schedule Posted Yes/No Describe

Daily schedule pocket chart is placed on the front white board and includes colorful cards with the names of each subject/period.
Procedures Classroom Yes/No Describe collecting notes

Every morning students turn in the notes to the bin with a label “Notes to Mrs. Reyes”, which is located on the front table. Money or checks are collected by her. getting students attention

To get students attention Mrs. Reyes says, “Tootsie Roll”, …show more content…

Reyes distributes homework worksheets into students’ mailboxes. In the morning students return their homework to the bin with a label “Mission Accomplished”, which is located next to the bin for putting notes.

Post-Observation Interview
The post-observation interview includes the following:
1. In general, how did you feel the class went?
I feel that overall the majority of this lesson was successful. Students had a clear understanding of the learning target and what was previously taught in this unit since they were able to participate and answer my questions.
2. Did students accomplish the goals you had planned for this class?
Most of them were able to accomplish what I had planned. Some students who had difficulty answering questions such as understanding the difference between Nonfiction and Narrative books which was taught previously, was noted that those students require re-teaching, but was not a complete surprise since those individual students have known difficulties with comprehension and have goals they are working on towards this that align with their IEP.
3. Is there anything that worked well for you in class today that you particularly liked? Does that usually go

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