Hrm 531 Project Management Review

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Project management review
In our previous assignment, we worked in groups of three and took on a task to apply the characteristics of project management too, the task which we undertook was opening a small business. We chose this as we felt that we could apply all the characteristics of project management to it efficiently and the task could be completed effectively. Our review will include how we handled the task of project management under the following headings; Leadership/Trust, Motivation, Communications, Ethics (work ethics) and Political issues.
Leadership is both a research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual or organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations. …show more content…

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs appealed to us because its style suited a business environment. Abraham Maslow believed that people’s needs where achieved by meeting their needs which was a hierarchy of needs, these needs went from low to high. Above shows Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we adapted this as it suited our idea of opening a small business, with opening a business we decided that we wanted our basic needs to be met. We took into consideration the goals of the business that we wanted to achieve and set targets to achieve them. This style of motivation is effective as it showed us what needs we wanted to fulfil and what motivates us.
The last theory which we adopted was McClelland’s achievement theory which is based on the willingness of an individual to perform is an intensity of the individual’s actual need for achievement. It states that there are three sets of needs to be satisfied:
• Achievement
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We had a lot of thought before we decided on what project we are going to take. It was very important that we were very open to one another in the group and it helped to know what everyone thinks. At the start, we had different ideas based on our present position of college, some thought that starting college could be a good idea, and then we came up with the restaurant idea which suited everyone and we all agreed on