I Want To Attend College Essay

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I plan to attend college at the University of Nebraska Kearney and major in PK-12 Health and Physical Education. I want to go to college and major in this specific area of study for two maing reasons. The first reason is because I know how large of an impact teachers can have on students. I have had so many amazing teachers throughout elementary and high school. If I were able to be a teacher and positively impact other students lives as well. that would be a dreeam come true for me. The second reason that I want to go to college to earn thhis degree is because of the growing health and obesity problems in our world today. People simply aren't living healthy lifestyles in todays society, and I want to help change that. I believe that if we teach kids how to eat right and stay active when …show more content…

I plan to graduate with honors and be put in a situation after college where I can make a difference in peoples lives. One of my greatest strengths is my ability to be a team player. In high school I was on many sports teams as well as academic teams. Being on those teams taught be to put the "we before me". I learned that together we can accomplish more than we ever could on our own. One of my biggest weaknesses is overthinking. Sometimes overthinking can be a blessing, but a lot of times I have found out that it can be a curse as well. I have always been jealous of people who can go with their gut and do it effectively. I have never been that type of person. I like to plan things and think of every single outcome that could possibly happen. But as I have learned, not everything that be planned for or thought out. I have learned that sometimes it is best to go with that first instinct rather than overthink and miss an opportunity or a chance to do something. I think that my leadership skills have improved so much over the course of my high school career. My senior year I was elected to student council as well as secretary of