Imfc Code Of Ethics Essay

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Practitioners must follow and comply with the ethical codes because it sets the minimum standards for their professional organization. Ethical codes are based on values, principles and moral decisions that are to be made regarding professional behavior. These codes are not a guarantee that they will be followed nor do they provide all the answers, however, they are highly expected to be followed in order to best guide them through common situations and issues. Two codes of ethics that are commonly used between mental health professionals are the American Mental Health Counselors’ Association (AMHCA) and the International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (IAMFC). In the paragraphs to follow, it will show what the IAMFC codes represent, the differences and similarities between the two codes, and insights into how the codes are applicable during work as a counselor. IAMFC Codes "The ethical code of the IAMFC incorporates the ethics of principles and virtues" (Hendricks, Bradley, Southern, Oliver, & …show more content…

The differences between IAMFC and ACA is that the International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (IAMFC) focuses on family dynamics and systems while promoting commitment to advocacy, service, and participation from the public in order to better society and communities. Developing, regulating laws for family counseling is also important to the IAMFC. As for the ACA, The American Counseling Association’s ongoing education, research and advocacy is completely about counselors and their specialties. The American Counseling Association (ACA, 2014), focuses on all counselors and their professions and promotes counselors to use their professions to continue their work in helping others. Enhancing human development “in support of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of people within their social and cultural contexts” is an important element of

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