Importance Of Communication In Health And Social Care

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Good communication skills is vital in a healthcare and social care setting. Care professionals need to have effective communication skills because it helps them to develop relationships and demonstrate that they care. Effective communication allows carers to express trust, understanding and support, so that they can make the service user feel as comfortable as they can. The service user and the healthcare professional need to understand each other clearly in order for the service user to receive the best possible care. As a way of promoting diversity, diferent relationships can be with established with diferent types of communication. For example, between carer and serviceuser, a more personal relationship is expected as the carer is with …show more content…

• Eye contact- maintaining eye contact is an important way to show that you are engaged and listening.
• Body language- This is the type of non-verbal communication. There are different ways you can use your body to communicate a message such as facial expressions I contact body positioning and body movements each of these will deliver a different message. For example not having eye contact might show that you are on interested in what the person is saying.
• Sign language- British sign language is used by individuals in this country, Sign language means communicating using gestures facial expression and body language sign language is used mainly by people who are deaf or have hearing impairments.
• Makaton- Makaton is a form of language that uses a collection of symbols and signs, it is often used with those who have learning or physical disabilities or hearing impairments.
• Written communication- written communication is the process of communication in which messages what information is exchanged by writing down the …show more content…

He Identified four main stages of group development, which included the stages:

1. Forming, which is when someone meets someone new or more than one person meet and start to share knowledge and information this might even be information about yourself and the other person
2. Storming, which is when the task is given to the group members. Storming is when say a team or group of people put ideas across to each other and discuss these ideas. This stage is also where the more dominant group members start to emerge, well other less confrontational members stay in their comfort and security zone.
3. Norming, when the group have finished storming they start to move onto norming which is when everything becomes normal and the group gets used to each other and decide to start communicating without difficulties and without any kinds of problems. Group members start to recognise skills and talents and a sense of community is established.
4. Performing, when the team starts to work together properly and get everything done. Group members are loyal and supportive and capability in all group members is seen. (Prezi, 2017)
