
Inaccuracies In Kingdom Of Heaven

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In the movie “Kingdom of Heaven” it’s about the Middle Ages of the Crusade. Though it did hold many historical events, it also held some inaccuracies. Some of the inaccuracies include, the longbow that was not quite yet created yet. The relationship between Balian and Sibylla. Also, how in the movie Balian was from France but historically he was from Jerusalem. Those were only a couple of the inaccuracies that I will be writing about. To begin with, “The longbow was one of the most dangerous weapons during the 100-year war, it had killed many and gave an advantage to the other side” as said in (1346 Battle of Crecy). Even though they helped, it was not yet created (longbow). That is the first inaccuracies that I noticed in the movie was the longbow. The longbow was not created or used until 1346. The reason this was an inaccuracy was because in the movie they used the longbow that didn’t “exist”. The Muslims attacked with longbows, siege towers, and flaming projectiles. As I said before the longbow was not being used yet. …show more content…

In the movie Sibylla and Balian fall in love. Historically though Sibylla falls in love with Balians older brother, Baldwin. Sibylla wanted to marry his older brother because historically, his older brother was supposed to be king and had more riches. “Baldwin was the one who actually fell in love with Sibylla” (Kingdom of Heaven Fact vs. Fiction by: Deanna Proach). In “Kingdom of Heaven” it portrays that Balian and Sibylla fall in love and that Balian becomes king. Historically though it’s actually Balian’s older brother Baldwin Sibylla falls in love with, and they get married and have children. Then Sibylla and Baldwin's son becomes

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