Individual Interaction With Peers

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Individual displayed a little regression controlling his anger with peers, individual argue with a student the first part of group activity. Individual would often become defensive and bad-tempered during role-play by stating that everyone including adults wants to see him get in trouble because they were laughing at him.
12-16-1. Interaction with Peers 2. Respecting Authority Figures
Individual was calm this week and got along with his peers with no problem.
19-23--1. Interaction with Peers 2. Respecting Authority Figures
Individual displayed cooperative behavior this week with respect to authority figures and interaction with peers by interacting with the group members with respect and willing to help. Individual remained positive without being argumentative or …show more content…

Individual shows no change in interaction with peers due to individual arguing with peers in group activity.
Demarcus- Week 5-9--1. Anger Management 2. Intetaction with Peers
Individual refused to interact with peers while completing group activity even after being redirected to do so by his therapist. Individual also wanted to be a class clown by teasing and talking about his peers
12-16 -- 1. Anger Management 2. Respecting Authority Figures/Peers
Individual displayed improvement in interacting with his peers and authority. Individual was doing as told by authority figure without any anger outburst.
19-23 -1. Anger Management 2. Respecting Authority Figures/Peers
Individual displayed regression with peer interaction due to individual getting upset and lashes out at others by name calling, frequently arguing with peers, and hitting peers. However, doing the middle of the week individual was very positive by smiling, joking, and laughing with therapist and