Informative Essay On Medical Marijuana

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Medical Marijuana is talked about and used all over the world for many different reasons. Does it help you or damage you? People have their opinions but you can never be sure without facts and research. Right now, marijuana is seen as a gateway to worse drugs. It's seen as being dangerous and addictive. Nobody has died or overdosed from it though. Medical marijuana has more good qualities than bad ones.
Along with tobacco and alcohol,” marijuana is the third most popular recreational drug”(thepolypost). Even though people die everyday from smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol, it is still legal in the United States. Nobody has died from an overdose of marijuana and it is illegal in almost all states. Most people feel relaxed and happy after …show more content…

These include pain relief ­­ particularly of neuropathic pain (pain from nerve damage) ­­ nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, and movement disorders. Marijuana is also a powerful appetite stimulant, specifically for patients suffering from HIV, the AIDS wasting syndrome, or dementia. Emerging research suggests that marijuana's medicinal properties may protect the body against some types of malignant tumors and are neuroprotective”(, paragraph 3). So why is it that something with so many benefits is still illegal? The FDA has not proven it to be medicine but we see everywhere how it helps people more than over the counter medicine. If a couple states have legalized it then why not all? What is holding them back from possibly saving thousands of lives?
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Studies also show that it can kill brain cells.”The study followed subjects from age 13 to 38 and conducted IQ tests a both these ages. The findings revealed that people who were chronic users of marijuana, which are those that had a physical dependence to the drug, before the age of 18 had a drop in IQ of 8 points by the age of
38”(, paragraph 3). So technically you can use it, just not daily. Even