
Informative Essay On Muslims In America

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Muslims in America- All Lives Matter In America we have different groups of ethnicities and races from all over the world. One group of individuals who are usually in the headlines, is the most controversial, and negatively talked about are Muslims. Ever since 9/11 to present, Muslims have not been treated the same as the other Americans of different races. All of the negative attributes towards Muslims have been here in America. The opinions, usually from right wingers, are mostly negative. These negative perceptions of Muslims are not my own. American should stop abusing Muslims living in America because they are Americans too, America is not innocent, not all Muslims are terrorist, and socially it creates a bad image of America and Americans. Although Americans are wrong they have their reasons to be mad also. Ever since 9/11 Americans have feared, despised, and also was infuriated towards Muslims. Why? 2,977 Americans died altogether on …show more content…

They feel as though “American are bullies to the highest degree”. (Cito) Cito believe that America is quick to go to war because they have such power but do not realize there are wars inside of America. Muslims have a bad image in America because ever since 9/11 “Americans have targeted Muslims economically by taking a 10% deductibles from their wages” (Mujahid). That is one of the reason they are part of the economy they are citizens but they don’t have the same opportunities as others and this make America a target to Muslims in other countries. As soon as someone from America go to another country they are automatically a target. They are constantly in danger when they travel because America is already targeted because we are a super power within the world. Abusing people from different backgrounds creates America a huge target. Although we are targeted from terrorist we as American asked for

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