Integrating Arts Into Schools

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Art what is it? The definition is, the expression or application of human creative skills and imagination that is beautiful or expresses important ideas or feelings. Although art is creativity it actually gives students who are exposed to art such as dance, music, theater, and visual arts an advantage in reading, writing and math skills. A problem arises because, many schools in the United States in particular have moved to the focus of common core subjects such reading and math and less on different types of art. It can be attributed to different types of pressures and the community's lack of engagement in the schools district to make a change. If an understanding was achieved on how art is beneficial to students and if integrated into school …show more content…

“For some school districts, arts education--and the space to provide it--is a dream that is shared, both physically and spiritually, with the community” (Fulbright, Mayor, Deasy). For schools to be able to become successful in integrating art programs into schools they need some items. The community has to make it know that there is a need for art in the schools and engage in the districts instructional programs. It doesn't only consist of getting involved there may be some pressuring and convincing of the school board, superintendent, and principals that there is a need to make art integrated to the school. This is to have everyone on the same page in so giving the ability work together to make the frame work for art to thrive in the school district. Integration of school officials and the community there can be a change in ways that the school district views art. In having the art programs in schools Children will have an advantage to learning how to read due to they have music to stimulate their brain or have art and dance that works with music to show perciervirenc, focuse, and dedication to achive a goal. It may not be an easy task to take on and it may not work to get a school district to put more into the arts, but you have to look at how it can help the students in their academic