Introductory Video Analysis: The Service Learning Experience

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I found the introductory video to be beneficial on how our instructor outlined what were looking to get from this module and also including what aspects will be important to focus on. It was included that we reflect and relate to how we will apply theory to our field, outlining how this will be beneficial and evident to apply to our work. Next, it was also included we understand how the information provided can be transmitted to our own learning. Overall, I found this to be supportive as it included the aspects on which we should be thinking about through the completion of this module.
I also find it important how it was introduced that our observations be associated with theory, such as how one reflects upon one’s behaviour being appropriate …show more content…

This introduced to me a new way of thinking about service learning as this participant is correct. Being integrated into a service learning experience undergoes so many different experiences constantly contributing to high level of skill as your constantly encountering new things whether its their problem solving, reflective learning, and experiential your constantly learning and its ongoing. Integrating different skills is crucial during this experience as it always allows for one to improve and develop higher level if skill as the participant has indicated. Overall, there is always room for improving and bettering ones skill based on reflecting and interpreting how things could have gone differently, changes that could have been made, and …show more content…

Firstly, I have to agree with the importance of service learning as it contributes to a great experience in the way one can receive hands on experience, and apply their knowledge. However, this article strictly focuses on the benefits of service while not emphasizing the importance of how it is only effective if one takes it more serious then just a placement. In can only lead to great success if one actually puts in effort, and gives it they’re all. In terms of having a service learning opportunity one must be committed, open minded, and actually want to contribute in helping the community. In relation to my self, I am constantly counting down the days until I am back into my service learning experience as I enjoy being there and supporting the children. The children are always so welcoming and so excited to see me, which based on these feelings it makes me take it more serious then just being attentive a placement as I always enjoy the experience with assisting the children in any way I