Jackson Agriculture Mission Statement

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Grace: The mission of the Jackson College Agriculture Program is to create a real life and hands-on experience for students to prepare them to enter the agriculture industry as part of a skilled workforce.

Grace: Your mission is attainable because of these key planning assumptions… the first planning assumption is The Need for Graduates- “During the next five years, U.S. college graduates will find good employment opportunities if they have expertise in food, agriculture, renewable natural resources, or the environment. Between 2015 and 2020, we expect to see 57,900 average annual openings for graduates with bachelor’s or higher degrees in those areas.” Your second key planning assumption is the Importance of Michigan Agriculture- “Michigan’s …show more content…

In addition, produce a promotional video to post on the website, social media, Jackson Farm Bureau website, and other resources to entice young people to become part of JC Agriculture. Make a short commercial ad for Youtube, Spotify, Pandora, and iHeartRadio. Website Advertisements increase publicity among college search websites, search engines, etc. Another promotional strategy is the use of print advertisements, including direct mail, which sends information directly to students and allow them to fill out a reply card to request more information about the program. Publishing quarterly advertisements in the Jackson Citizen Patriot. Handing out brochures at all recruitment events highlighting the program. Posters will be hung up in schools to give students a visual of the opportunities at JC, starting with the schools with ag programs and then the ones without. Also, producing an ad that will be published in the FFA New Horizons magazine and The Michigan FFA Creed Magazine whose target audience is high school FFA members in