Jerry Sandusky Scandal Essay

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The story of Jerry Sandusky has been all over news outlets since 2009, it had come to light that Sandusky was sexually abusing boys on the Penn State Football team. Sandusky was convicted in 2011 with a hefty sentence that put him in jail for over 50 years. It was difficult for many to believe the news reports on Penn State and the Sandusky scandal. Especially for the residents of State College, Pa. There were, and still are numerous articles fabricating stories about Penn State, Sandusky, and Paterno. It’s important to uncover the truth, and ask questions. The questions that will be answered below are; “How authorities from the government and the school could have done a better job at investigating and reporting this? What role does the …show more content…

While watching “Happy Valley” it was easy to see how it affected the players, student body, and community at State College, Pa. Sandusky had been so pivotal in the winning seasons at Penn State, it was difficult for people close to him to believe his victims testimonies. The sports scene isn’t known for being open about things such as, sexual orientation or sexual abuse that may occur. Victim blaming is also a widespread practice in universities and colleges across America. Considering those things, it’s not far-fetched to conclude that college football didn’t have any safeguards in place to prevent abuse at Penn State. The blame had to go somewhere, and it’s surprising where it ended …show more content…

Penn State made it worse, by making an example out of the President as well as Paterno. The community lost one pillar in Sandusky, but they also lost the larger pillar that was Paterno. Doing so, caused great unrest in the community, and across the student body. It seems that the NCAA needed to make an example out of Penn State, and use this tragedy to punish the school, students, and players of team. The punishments they enacted on Penn State seemed extreme. It’s unfair to punish the players and the new coach for a previous coach’s actions. The five years that Penn State wasn’t allowed to play, only hurt incoming freshman (Happy Valley). They had to decide if they wanted to stay at a school where they could never get recognition. That’s hurting the students, and no one