
Jjy Case Of Hae Min Lee

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Serial Adnan Syed. Kind, funny, athletic, and good with the girls. All descriptions that Adnan’s friends, family, and teachers used to describe him. In the same way that they saw him as a good kid, they never saw him as a murderer who would have his ex-girlfriend’s blood on his hands. From the state’s perspective, however, they assume this of him. The murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee, by strangulation. A heartless crime, though seemingly a “passionate” one as claimed by the state. The court and jury’s opinion is clear, yet the case is still foggy. Those who knew Adnan the best believe in his innocence. Adnan Syed is innocent in the case of Hae Min Lee’s death because he has valid alibis, the lack of evidence, and because of his background/lack of motive. Adnan had valid alibis to back up his innocence. Both during the supposed time of murder, and during times that Jay claimed he was elsewhere, disproving Jay’s story. In Jay’s story, he claims that after the murder, Adnan got …show more content…

He was never known as a bad person or someone who would go down a dark path. Although it seems like it, Adnan had no motive and was never seen as angry by those around him. All of the people who were around him said that his breakup with Hae Lee never really affected him too badly. He was a player of mine. He had plenty of other girls that could fill her spot. During the week following the breakup, his friends noticed nothing out of the ordinary. This is just one reason why he couldn’t have done it. Lack of motivation to work. The other reason is because of his background. He was known as a good kid at his mosque. He would lead in prayer, and volunteer. The only issue he ever had was stealing money. As this is never justified, the state makes it seem as if this related to the murder. Stealing leads to murder? It just doesn’t make sense. Adnan couldn’t have done it, as he had no reason

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