Kappa Gamma Persuasive Speech

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Subject: Due you know? Hello , Twenty-two dollars is all it takes to support the future of Kappa Kappa Gamma. But, do you know where your annual alumna dues go? The Key By paying your dues, you are contributing to the continued publication and success of The Key magazine. Dues even helped pay for the award-winning redesign in 2014! Dues-paying members help keep the magazine free for everyone and keep all members connected with Kappa. Alumna Relations By paying your dues, you are helping Kappa improve its resources for alumnae (that’s you!) and give us the opportunity to create new and exciting ways to connect with one another. Extension Dues are the key to opening Kappa’s doors to hundreds of new sisters across the United States and Canada. Dues help fund Kappa’s extension to new campuses and assist with the reopening of a chapter. Rah rah for KKG! From helping fund a collegian’s trip to …show more content…

So, what are you waiting for? PAY DUES TODAY BUTTON P.S. A little owl told us that by paying your dues, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards! Whoooo wouldn’t appreciate that? EMAIL #2: Non-AA, previous dues paying members, paid last year Subject: Hello , Last year, you were one of nearly 2,000 Kappas who used Dues Direct to pay their annual dues. That’s awesome! By renewing your $22 today, you’ll be opening Kappa’s doors to hundreds of women through our extension efforts, giving Kappa the opportunity to create new and exciting ways for our alumnae to connect, and contributing to our award-winning magazine, The Key. As a previous dues-paying member, you already know that making an impact on a sister’s life is easier than ever with Dues Direct. So, what are you waiting for? RENEW